EASY PART TIME JOBS FOR REALTORS Sell Yard Sign Stakes THAT SELL THEMSELVES... Order 100 Of The BEST YARD SIGN STAKES Available For $380.00. KEEP 10 FOR YOURSELF. Sell The Other 90 To The People In Your Office For 5, 6, or $7.00 each. At $6.00 Each You're At $540 GROSS. $540 - the $380 You Spent, Gives You A $160 PROFIT. Plus YOU GET 10 FREE Premium Reusable Heavy Duty Yard Sign Stakes. I Charge WAY MORE PER STAKE Than That For Low Quantities Because Of Shipping. YOU HAVE THE ADVANTAGE OF: Lower Price, Immediate Delivery, AND Providing Value To Someone In Your Office. THESE STAKES ARE SUPERIOR Because They Are: Reusable, Hard To Bend, And The Bottom Prongs are RIGID. Top Prongs Are 2 PIECES - WELDED PARALLEL vs. BENT PARALLEL, so WAY LESS ADJUSTING. The Footplate Acts As A Blade When Pushed All The Way Into The Ground Providing MORE STABILITY. They Make OPEN HOUSE EVENTS EASIER And Add A Nice Touch. GREEN SCREEN THE VIDEO TO THE RIGHT ON YouTube #SHORTS With YOUR POST. Price your stakes lower than my price for low quantities... Make Some CONTENT, CASH, and LIFE EASIER with BETTER YARD SIGN STAKES!